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Hi all! Our new album Once More Dear Friends has been out for a while now. Please listen have a listen if you haven't heard it already. Also currently working to book some gigs during 2025. Both in Sweden and Europe. We're available almost anytime if you'd like to have us, at your venue!
ALSO: Working on music for a sort of extended version of the Finale-band. And Gothenburg Art Ensemble is making a comeback next year! Wow! Stay tuned for more info on everything! Alright, bye!
6/3 - Malin Wättring 4, Jazzstudion, Umeå
15/3 - Anna ran, Album release, nefertiti, Gothenburg
8/5 - Petter iderström pankinaho, Gothenburg
23/5 - Det stora monstret, pustervik
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