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William Soovik Grand Finale

WSGF - Press 2023-2.jpg

Photo by: Sigge Fabiansson


What is rustic music?! Well, it’s the name of the first album that we released, for starters, but it has also become kind of an artistic beacon for me as a composer and musician. I want all the music that I make to feel sturdy, simple and purposeful. Like as if it can take a punch and be knocked around without collapsing. The musical equivalent to
thatold cast iron pan that sits in your grandmother's cupboard or the old planks that some restaurants use to serve their cheese. Maybe not the cleanest or most refined but kinda timeless and with heaps of character...”


William Soovik Grand Finale is the creation of drummer and composer William Soovik. The band in its current shape, started in mid 2017, initially as an attempt for the band-leader to try and work his way out of an especially boring gig-drought and an extended period of “jazz-anxiety”. Since the start they’ve now released three albums: Rustik Musik (2018), Major (2020) and Live in Gothenburg (2021). Many of the band's songs have ended up on some of the biggest Spotify-playlists for jazz and improvised music and has, as of May 2023, been streamed around 1.000.000 times. The quintet has since its formation played some of Sweden's most prestigious venues, like Nefertiti Jazzklubb, Umeå Jazzstudio and Fasching, and are currently booking a tour in relation to the release of their new album, Once More, Dear Friends!


About the players of WSGF


Malin Wättring - Saxophone:

Malin is one of Scandinavias most exciting players and composers, and has been for some time now. She's been granted almost every jazz-prize and stipend available in Sweden, including the prestigious Stena A Olsson cultural stipend and the Swedish national radio’s “Composer of the Year''. More info at:


Signe Dahlgreen - Saxophone:

Signe has an incredibly personal sound and a power unlike few other sax players. She is certainly one of the finest improvisers that the nordics have to offer. A truly unique voice on the international creative music scene!  Listen to her amazing playing with Yes Deer, Harald Svensson Undectet or one one of her solo-releases!


Viktor Reuter - Bass:

Viktor is one of those people who are playing with "everybody". It's not surprising since he is an incredibly gifted musician. Highly musical and sophisticated yet with an enormous power and a huge sound. And a killer with the bow. More info at:


Joel Fabiansson - Guitar:

Joel is a true gem of a person and musician. He can truly do everything with a guitar! He makes amazing and epic soundscapes in his solo-project Nebulosa. He plays the big fat chords with Anna von Hauswolff and Xenia Kriisin on big stages across the globe. And he plays complex and beautiful jazz music with his own trio and makes poppy tunes with the band Gordon. Check out Nebulosa at:


William Soovik - Drums:

William seems to spend his days playing strange music that doesn't really fit into any box. When he's not writing for this band he's playing in other contemporary creative music groups and heads up many different musical projects. 

More info at:




Stream and buy our music:

You can stream our music for free but we would really appreciate if you bought a cd or a digital copy from our Bandcamp page. This will help us produce new material and finance our future touring!

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Written about WSGF


"... William Soovik lets his drumstick fly freely across the drums, in the context of his melodic jazz...

...This is smart and happy jazz, delivered with a wide smile and lot's of love... "

- Peter Feurst (Live concert review, Jönköpingsposten, 22-10-2023) 




"... There is something youthful about William Soovik Grand Finale... There's a genuine joy when playing the music and whatever minor mistakes that happens doesn't seem to matter... "

- Lars Böhlin (Live concert review, Västerbottens-Kuriren, 22-10-2021) 


Click HERE to read the full review, in Swedish. 




"... This Gothenburgian quintet has embodies most of the qualities of a great jazz group: a strong emotional output, a connection with the audience, artistic freedom and a never waivering pulse... There are no nets. Every musical leap is an unpredictable musical adventure... "

- Gunnar Wiklund (Live concert review, Folkbladet, 22-10-2021) 



"... The music feels open and created in the moment despite the fact that it contains well written, fun melodies and thoroughly arranged ensemble parts. It's well organized and messy at the same time. Major is an album that is easy to like!"

- Jan Strand (Album review, JAZZ (Orkesterjournalen), 23-09-2020) 




"William Soovik has done it again! An exciting, fun and well composed album!"

- Jonas Persson (Album review, Det Tornas Rymd - Facebook Page, 22-07-2020)


Click HERE for the full post, in Swedish.




"...a record with a mix of euphoria and melancholy that won't be categorized or put in any box"

- Peter Bornemar (Album review, Lira Musikmagasin, 28-05-2020)


Click HERE to read the full review, in Swedish. 




"... It's a great pleasure spending time with William, his band and the music that they make. I have a feeling that William Soovik Grand Finale is a great live band and would love to see them perform here in Norway".


Click HERE to read the full review, in Norwegian.



"The Gothenburgian drummer William Soovik's peculiar mix of free jazz, rock and melancholy is hardly calculated, but feels very genuine. And his band is exellent!" (4/5)

- Johannes Cornell (Album review, Dagens Nyheter, 12-08-2018)


Click HERE to read the full review, in Swedish.




"This is good. Really good!"

- Jonas Persson (Interview and review, Det Tornas Rymd, 03-08-2018)


Click HERE to read the full interview, in Swedish.




"William Soovik Grand Finale is a wonderful and original band with new, exciting voices"

- Tor Hammerø (Album review,, 06-12-2018)


Click HERE to read the full review, in Norwegian.




"...An excellent band in a jazz-rustling, carefree and clearly rustic music".

- Leif Carlsson (Album review, Lira Musikmagasin, 26-09-2019)


Click HERE to read the full review, in Swedish.



Watch WSGF

Gigs with WSGF






9/4-2024: Ingesunds Folkhögskola (Concert/Clinic)

5/12-2023: Halmstad Jazzklubb

10/11-2023: Älmhult Music & Arts, Älmhult

9/11-2023: Tre Trappor, Tranemo

8/11-2023: Stora Teatern, MCV-Dagen

19/10-2023: Jönköpings Jazzklubb, Kulturhuset Spira, Jönköping

18/10-2023: Jazzföreningen Nefertiti, Gothenburg

12/10-2023: WSGF + Ormbunken, Gula Studion, Malmö

11/10-2023: WSGF + Ormbunken, REHAB Kultur, Malmö

9/3-2023: Värnersborgs Musikförening, Värnersborg


5/10-2022: Hulebäck, Mölnlycke (School Concert)

4/9-2022: Göteborgs Kulturkalas, Bältesspännarparken, Gothenburg

23/4-2022: Hallsberg Jazz & Blues

6/4-2022: Skeppet, Gothenburg

26/3-2022: Alvesta Jazz & Blues

17/3-2022: Mimers Gymnasium (School Concert)

10/2-2022: Jazzhus Montmartre, Copenhagen (Nordic Jazz Comets)


21/10-2021: Umeå Jazzstudio, Umeå

6/10-2021: Fasching, Stockholm

21/8-2021: Jazzfesten, Västerås Konserthus

28/5-2021: Valand (Nefertiti), Gothenburg (Live Stream)


13/12-2020: Bunkern, Gothenburg (Live Stream)


7/12-2019: Studio HPKSM, Gothenburg (Live Recording)

2/11-2019: Studio HPKSM, Gothenburg

7/9-2019: Dalbogården, Alingsås

8/7-2019: Nefertiti Jazz Club, Gothenburg Culture Festival

1/6-2019: Studio HPKSM, Gothenburg

4/5-2019: Studio HPKSM, Gothenburg

6/4-2019: Studio HPKSM, Gothenburg

2/3-2019: Studio HPKSM, Gothenburg

2/2-2019: Studio HPKSM, Gothenburg

1/2-2019: Folk, Gothenburg


29/6-2018: Nefertiti Jazz Club, Gothenburg. (Debut album release)



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William Soovik




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